3 Changes To Make To Your Landscaping Before Fostering Dogs

Posted on: 10 May 2018

Fostering dogs before they find a permanent home can be a rewarding way to help animals, while also giving you the company of some dogs at home. If you intend on having the dogs spend time outside or simply want to bring them into the yard on occasion, you'll need to look into what kinds of changes you can make to your landscaping so that it is suitable for the dogs you're fostering.

Get Rid of Any Potentially Dangerous Plants

One of the most important things to do when you're making changes to your landscaping is to get rid of any plants that can be harmful to them. Ingesting certain plants can be dangerous for dogs, making it absolutely vital that you take care of preventing your dog from eating anything that could harm their stomach. Some plants can also cause allergic reactions, making it smart to prioritize only plants that will be safe for them.

Looking over a list of toxic plants for dogs or meeting with your vet can help you get advice on what kinds of plants should be avoided.

Dedicate a Specific Space for a Potty Area

When you're going to be fostering some dogs, you need to consider where they will be relieving themselves. Since urine can cause the grass to become discolored, it's so important that you focus on picking out a specific spot for the dogs to go potty. Avoiding any grass and choosing artificial grass, gravel, and other surfaces for the potty area can ensure that it won't harm your landscaping and that you'll have a specific spot that you'll be comfortable with allowing them to use.

Make Sure the Yard is Properly Enclosed

Some dogs can be notorious for trying to escape, making it vital for you to make sure that your yard is as secure as possible. Having a fence installed around the yard is the first step, along with making sure that there are no gaps or short areas of the fence that can easily be hopped over. With a properly enclosed yard, the dogs will be much more secure when spending time outside.

As you look into ways to make your yard better suited for foster dogs, it's important that you focus on safety. Instead of choosing just any design for the yard, it's best to consider the above tips so that the yard can look great and won't have any dangers for the dogs you'll be caring for. Contact a company, like Origin Landscape Architecture, for more help.
