Four Tips For Maintaining A Yard That's Too Wet

Posted on: 24 May 2018

Does your yard always seem to be a little too moist? Perhaps you get pooling water in spots, or maybe it's always just a bit boggy when you walk across it. Wet yards can be tough to deal with, so turn to the tips below to successfully maintain the landscape on such a plot of land.

1. Look into drainage options like tile and ditches.

Contact a landscaping company and have them come out to do an estimate for drainage. They may just be able to extend a ditch or two that run along your property, improving the drainage. Another option may be to add some drain tile to the yard. The drain tile will encourage water to drain away from the top surface of the soil. Either option will result in a somewhat drier yard.

2. Angle your gutters away from the wet area.

If part of your yard -- for instance, the backyard -- is wetter, then make sure your gutters are positioned to drain away from this area. Place long hoses on the gutters so all of the water gets directed towards the storm drains, or create a closed system that carries water directly from the gutters into the storm drain. This will decrease the amount of water that pools in your yard after a storm.

3. Fill in the lowest spots.

It would be tough to bring in enough soil to build up the whole yard, but you can at least address some of the lowest spots and make them less mushy. Bring in some topsoil to add to the lowest spots. Pack it down well, and then plant grass on top of it. The surrounding area may still be pretty wet, but at least you will have fewer overt puddles.

4. Choose plants suited for the moist soil. 

Many plants cannot deal with moist soil and will die due to root rot when the area around them floods. If you do not want a yard filled with dead plants, you will need to carefully choose plants that are tolerant of flooding and moist soil. Bee balm, ostrich fern, phlox, and irises grow well in moist soil. If you're looking for trees, most willow and birch varieties will do well in wet ground.

To learn more about landscaping a moist yard, reach out to a company like Nature's Design Landscaping in the area. They will either be able to fix the moisture levels or help you work with the overly wet soil. 
