Worried About The Condition Of Your Fencing When Selling? 3 Tips For Picking Out A New Fence

Posted on: 28 May 2018

When you have old fencing surrounding your property, you may be nervous about how it can impact its appeal to potential buyers when listing your home for sale. If you've made the decision to replace the fencing due to the poor condition it's in, you should take some time to get familiar with what qualities you can look for to ensure that the new fencing can be an improvement to your home.

Opt for a Neutral Color

Fencing can vary quite a bit in color, making it a good idea to stick with more neutral shades that aren't so bold that they could deter buyers. Looking for neutral colors of wood stain or paint, such as beige, can help the fencing feel subtle. This is especially important to keep in mind when you want to show off the exterior of your home itself, or even the landscaping, since you don't want the fencing to get all the attention.

Make Sure the Height is a Good Fit

As you look into replacing the fencing, you should stop to consider how tall the fence should be. Shorter fencing may not offer the same security as a taller fence, but taller fencing has the risk of blocking out the view of your home. Be careful to pick fencing that is an appropriate height once it's installed so you can make sure that the fence and your home both look great once the fence is in place.

A good place to start for fencing in the front yard is fencing that can't be easily stepped over, but can still be seen over once it's installed. Side and back fencing can be quite a bit taller so that your yard has the privacy you want.

Choose Fencing That Will Last

Saving money on fencing may sound appealing when you're replacing the fence before listing it for sale, since you won't see the fence in the years to come, but this can actually make it less valuable of a project in the long run. Choosing high-quality fencing will ensure that buyers feel confident buying the home since it shows that care was put into the home and yard.

Replacing the fencing around your yard can help ensure that your home has the privacy and protection you want, but it does come with some concerns when you're replacing the fencing before listing it for sale. If you're unsure of how to start when replacing the fencing, it can be a good idea to pick out fencing with the above tips in mind. For more information, contact companies like Quality Lawn & Landscape.
