Insight For Keeping Your Landscaping Well Maintained All Year

Posted on: 30 May 2018

The condition of your yard and your home's exterior can make or break the appearance and value of your home. Neglecting your landscaping, lawn, and other surfaces around your home's exterior can make your entire home a neighborhood eyesore. Here are some tips to help you keep your yard and its landscaping looking its best all year.

Spot-Treat Weeds

Weeds are one of the most common reasons a yard begins to look neglected and overgrown. Weeds that spring up in landscaping areas, flowerbeds, lawn, and throughout your pavement reduce the sharpness and attractiveness of your yard. As you walk through your yard daily, stop and pull up any weeds you see.

When you have time on the weekends, use a broad-spectrum herbicide to carefully spray errant weed growth and weeds in difficult-to-pull areas, such as in cracks of concrete.

Removing weeds within your lawn and other landscaped areas can be more technical, as you need to be more careful about the type of herbicide you use. Wearing gloves and with a small paint brush and a cup of herbicide, carefully apply the herbicide to the leaves of any weed growth embedded within your lawn. After a day or two these hard-to-reach weeds will die. You can also use a garden spade to cut around the weed in your yard's lawn or bedding.

Use a Landscape Ground Cover

Applying a mulch or other type of ground cover to your landscaped areas will make the area more attractive and help reduce weed growth. Weeds that do grow in these areas will have shallower roots and will be easier for you to pull. Mulch, such as bark or wood chips, will help keep the soil moist, which allows you to pull the entire root from the ground.

Protect Hardscape Surfaces

Another important aspect of your landscape's appearance is the condition of any surrounding hardscape surfaces such as paved walkways, curbing, and driveways. Keep up the condition of these surfaces by removing any weed growth and keeping them free of debris and dirt. You can often use a regular garden hose to spray down such surfaces.

If your driveway is made of asphalt, keep it in good repair by filling cracks and resurfacing it or applying a layer of sealcoating regularly to keep its appearance sharp and attractive. A graying and cracking asphalt surface will detract from your yard's appearance.

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