3 Tricks For Creating A Beautiful Flower Bed

Posted on: 5 June 2018

If you want to create a beautiful flower bed, there are a few tricks that you should know that will help you. First, you need to kill the existing vegetation in the flower bed. Then, you need to turn over the soil and add organic material to the soil before you define the edges and start planting flowers in the new bed.

Kill the Existing Vegetation

First, you need to kill the existing vegetation that is growing in the location where you want to put the bed. You don't want to compete with the weeds or grass that was already growing in the location.

To kill off the existing vegetation, you are going to need to purchase an herbicide to apply to the vegetation. Pay attention to how long it will take the herbicide to work as well how long the the herbicide will stay active in the soil. Wait until the activation period for the herbicide has passed before moving onto the next step.

Turn the Bed Over

Once the vegetation is dead, you are going to want to turn the soil over. To turn the soil over, you are going to want to use a shovel to break up the ground and essentially flip the soil, so that the dead vegetation is under ground and the fresh soil is on top.

When you turn the bed over, it can be helpful to dampen the soil. Don't get it too wet though or it will just clump up. Just get it a little damp so you can cut through the soil easier.

Till the Soil

Once you turn over the soil, you want to really mix it up by tilling the soil. To till the soil, use a rototiller. You want to go down into the soil at least a foot to a foot and a half. Although you can do this manually with a shovel, it is a lot more work and much more laborious to accomplish this task this way.

Add Organic Material

After you have turned the bed over and tilled the soil, it is time to add some new organic material or compost to the soil. You want to add at least a couple of inches of organic material. This organic material should have both larger and smaller chunks of material in it so that everything doesn't break down at the same rate.

Then, once the new organic material is places on to top of the new flower bed, you need to mix it into the soil. To do this, just the top few inches of the soil over.

Now your bed is ready to go. You can now plant new flowers, bushes, and shrubs in your bed. After you add new vegetation to your bed, you are going to want to put another layer of mulch around your new vegetation to protect the nice soil bed that you just created.

For more information, contact local professionals like those found at Wilson Garden Center & Landscaping.
