Just Bought A Home With An Overgrown Lawn? 3 Tips For Sprucing Up The Front Yard

Posted on: 12 June 2018

After buying a home with a large yard, you may find that the yard hasn't been maintained as well as it should have been. This can be frustrating to deal with, especially since you want to begin enjoying your newly bought home right away. Before mowing the lawn and calling it finished for now, it's a good idea to look into the following tips that can help improve the way that your yard looks.

Make Paving or Stepping Stones a Priority

Having a clear path to the front door is a good way to make the front of your home welcoming and make it easy for guests to reach your home. If the paving is in bad shape or completely non-existent, you'll need to take care of making improvements to it or replacing it altogether. Stepping stones can be a great way to add some style to your front yard, and a winding path can improve the curb appeal of your home.

With the proper paving in the front of your home, you can avoid stepping on mud or bothering the landscaping when entering your yard.

Get Weeds Taken Care of Right Away

One of the first things you should tackle after moving in is removing some of the weeds from the yard. Weeds can quickly get out of hand and start invading other parts of your yard, making it important for you to pull weeds and use preventive weed killer. With weeds out of the way, you can get started with the rest of the landscaping without the concern that weeds will be overgrown in the yard.

Focus on Choosing All-Season Plants

When you're just beginning to make plans for landscaping your front yard, it's a good idea to look for plants that will do well in all seasons. While some plants can look great now, they can look drab in other months, so it's important to pay attention to how the plants will look throughout the year.

As you prepare to landscape your yard, you need to consider how best to manage your yard when it's overgrown. Getting it groomed after moving in can allow you to make improvements that will help your yard feel personal to you. With the above tips, you can make sure the yard looks nice and avoid it looking messy during any part of the year due to your selection of plants.

For more information, reach out to a company like Estate Landscape
