Choosing Between Traditional And Artificial Turf For Your Sports Field

Posted on: 14 June 2018

If you've recently taken over a piece of property and you're getting ready to turn it into a sports and event field, one of the things you'll have to decide is if you want artificial or traditional turf. There are several things that you should consider as you try to decide which one is going to be the better option. Here are a couple of things to think about when you're starting your sports field plan.

How Much Use Will The Field Get?

One of the first things that you need to evaluate is just how much use the field is going to get. The more activity you expect on the field, the harder it will be to maintain traditional turf. Remember that busy fields are going to suffer a lot of wear and tear on natural grass. Artificial turf is much easier to maintain when the field sees a lot of active play time.

If you aren't really sure how much traffic the field is expected to get, think about what's available in your area. If there are no other fields in the area, that's a key indication that your field will see lots of activity. You should also look at what is available around you for sports leagues and similar things. The more sports leagues and activities there are around you, the busier you can expect that field to be.

What Is The Climate Like?

The ambient temperatures and weather will play a significant role in choosing between artificial and traditional turf for your field. Remember that many types of grass have particular needs when it comes to temperature, water, and sunlight. If the climate in your area isn't conducive to the needs of traditional grass, artificial turf is the best option.

Some of the climate concerns that can be problematic include excessive heat, limited rainfall, bitter cold temperatures, and more. Be practical about your local environment to decide what's the best option for you. Otherwise, you risk planting traditional turf that's going to just die due to extremes that are beyond your control.

What Kind Of Water Supply Do You Have?

Another important factor when you're choosing your turf is to decide what kind of water supply you have access to. Remember that traditional turf is going to need to be watered on a regular basis. You'll need to have easy access to a lot of water to maintain a property like that. If you pay for water use or you don't have easy access to the water needed for this, it may be better to consider artificial turf instead.

When you opt for artificial turf, there's no watering required. The only time you'll need water is high-pressure spray to rinse and clean the area when necessary. Otherwise, it doesn't need any watering or special attention to keep it in good condition. It doesn't grow, so there's no turf loss due to neglect, drought, or other issues. Contact companies like Proturf Landscape Solutions to learn more.

Can You Use Reclaimed Water?

If you really want traditional turf, but don't have water access to take care of it, you may be able to make this a possibility if you can use reclaimed water. Many areas have infrastructure in place to collect and use reclaimed water. If you're not familiar, this is wastewater that's been collected, treated, and is then used to water plants, landscaping, and grass.

You can work with your local supplier to find out how to implement a water reclamation system. If it's possible, you can then turn your sports field into a traditional turf field and not have to worry about water access to keep it growing.
