3 Simple Ideas to Stretch Your Landscaping Dollars

Posted on: 7 July 2020

A beautiful landscape not only creates a relaxing atmosphere for enjoying an outdoor space but also raises property value, so it's an excellent investment for homeowners. But what if are short on funds? Here are some ideas for anyone who wants to beautify an outdoor space for not a lot of cash.

1. Find Free or Discounted Plants

Free and discounted plants are out there. It's just a matter of knowing where to find them. Plant nurseries sell broken plants at a discount or even those that aren't looking too good. Sometimes they also discount plants even more if you agree to take a certain quantity off their hands.

At the end of the season, nurseries often have plants that didn't sell, and being that the warmer season is almost over, they either throw them out or give them away. Check with local farmer's markets and nurseries in the area and ask what their policy is for end of season plants that unsold. If your neighbors have plants you admire, strike up a conversation and ask where it comes from. Your friendly neighbor may offer you a root cutting or seeds to plant in your yard.

2. Divide Plants You Have

A usual and free propagation technique is as easy as dividing plants you already have growing in your yard. Quite a few common plants are easily dug and diving during the dormant season to create more plants, including hostas, mums, ornamental grasses, and irises. It's very easy to dig up the plant, divide it from the parent root, and replant it in a chosen location. This technique is generally done during fall when plants are dormant and have finished blooming for the season.

3. Upcycle Unneeded Items

Now that you have plants, go through any old times you plan to throw out. So many beautiful landscaping ideas come from one creative spark an old wheelbarrow, a wagon wheel, an old chair, and in almost anything that lights up a creative idea. If you need help with inspiration, there are recycling websites that offer plenty of pictures and instructions on how to incorporate upcycling in the landscape. Good ideas and suggestions from others can get you started on creating a space that is uniquely you and creates the lovely outdoor space for you and the neighbors to enjoy.

Having an eye-catching yard doesn't have to expensive or difficult if you use a little ingenuity. Get a second opinion by contacting landscaping companies. 
