Tree Care And Service Mistakes To Avoid

Posted on: 5 October 2021

Depending on your landscaping design, the trees on your property may be some of the most important features. These large plants will provide shade for the property as well as play a major role in the aesthetics of the property. While trees can be among the most durable plants on your property, it can still be possible to lose them as a result of some basic care mistakes.

Mistakes With Pruning

The process of pruning the trees on your property will be a critical part of keeping these large plants healthy while also reducing the risk of damage occurring due to large branches falling. Unfortunately, it can be easy to make mistakes with pruning that may actually weaken the overall health of your trees. For example, excessive pruning can deprive the tree of important energy production by eliminating leaves. Conversely, it is also possible to make cuts on the branches that could be far more likely to develop diseases. A professional tree service will be able to inspect these plants to determine the branches that need to be pruned the most.

Failing To Keep The Trees Watered During Droughts

Due to their large size, trees will need vast amounts of water in order to thrive. Unfortunately, periods of prolonged drought are becoming increasingly common for some communities, and this can lead to a property owner needing to regularly water these plants to make sure they are getting the moisture that they need. When you are watering your trees during periods of drought, you should avoid underestimating the amount of water that this will take. In particular, the water will need to soak deep into the soil as the roots of a tree are likely much deeper than the roots of smaller plants. Without soaking the soil with water, it is possible that the roots will simply fail to get the moisture that they need.

Failing To Stabilize Leaning Trees

At some point, it can be possible for the trees on your property to start leaning. Often, this results from the soil under the tree no longer being able to support its weight. While it can be possible for the roots of the tree to adjust so that it can remain stable, it may be necessary to stabilize the tree until this happens. Otherwise, strong winds and storms could tip the tree over. Luckily, stabilizing a tree is a relatively simple process that will involve placing a series of spikes along the base of the tree so that rope can be used to help hold the tree in place.

If you need help caring for your trees, call a tree service in your area.
