Tips for Landscaping to Keep Your Yard in Great Condition

Posted on: 8 August 2022

Your yard's condition is either going to provide many benefits or much detriment to the appearance of your entire property. It is up to you as the property owner to take an active role in ensuring that your yard's landscaping is kept up with good maintenance, care, and repairs. The following provides you with some recommendations that you can implement to keep your yard and lawn looking their best all year with landscaping services.

Have a Weed Management Plan

Weeds are going to sprout up anywhere they can take hold in your yard. And to help prevent them from making your yard look like it has been neglected with weeds that seem to grow almost overnight, make a plan to start fighting weeds as soon as the soil begins to warm up in the spring. 

When spring temperatures warm up the soil, any weed seeds are going to start to germinate and grow in your lawn and bedding areas. Start off with a pre-emergence herbicide to stop the growth of weed seeds so you can get a head start on the growing season. A lawn treatment that stops weed seed germination and also provides some fertilizer to your lawn is a good choice and you can apply it in early spring. Then, follow up in late spring with spot treatment to any seeds that have planted themselves in the meantime. You can use a non-selective or selective herbicide in your spot treatment—just be careful with any surrounding vegetation not to apply it to their leaves and stems.

You should also address any bare spots in your lawn and work to fill them in with new lawn growth. Bare spots in your lawn are a prime spot for weed seeds to germinate and take over the area. When you fill it with lawn, it can help to choke out any weeds. Add lawn seeds to the soil in any bare spots after you have loosened the soil and supplemented it with some fertilizer.

Prune Back Vegetation

The vegetation in your yard is going to grow each year and, as a result, will start to be thick in appearance and size. Shrubbery and trees can be trimmed back to keep their growth managed so they don't grow over into a walkway, driveway, or onto your home's exterior. 

Just be sure you trim them back at the right time of year, which can be in the fall or in early spring. Early spring is a good time to prune trees before their sap has begun to flow through the tree. This is usually completed well before the weather warms, so consult with a landscape provider to determine a good time for pruning.
