Bamboo | Friend Or Foe? What You Need To Know

Posted on: 13 January 2023

Bamboo is a fast-growing grass that has become increasingly popular as an ornamental plant in home gardens. In addition, it's often used for privacy hedges, as it can grow up to three feet in a single day. While bamboo can add a unique and beautiful touch to your garden, there are some drawbacks you should be aware of.

Here's a closer look at types of bamboo, if they are invasive, and how you can stop them from spreading with a professional bamboo removal service.

Are There Different Types of Bamboo?

There are thousands of species of bamboo plants worldwide. Generally, these plants fall under two categories: running or clumping bamboo.

  • Running. Running bamboo spreads quickly and has underground stems called rhizomes that send up new shoots in all directions. They can be incredibly invasive, taking over your yard and growing into your neighbors' yards.
  • Clumping. These bamboo species tend to 'clump' together instead of spreading out as running bamboo does.

However, no matter which type of bamboo you choose for your garden, it is important to know how far it can spread and how invasive it may become.

Is Bamboo Invasive?

Some types of bamboo can be quite invasive if not properly managed or contained by barriers such as metal edging or root barriers, like a buried metal container. Invasive bamboo spreads aggressively by sending its rhizomes underground, searching for nutrients and water sources, making it difficult to contain and manage. Therefore, it is important to be aware of any neighborhood or local ordinances regarding the use of invasive species before deciding whether this plant is right for you.

How Do You Stop Invasive Bamboo?

If you already have an established stand of bamboo on your property that is growing beyond its boundaries, it may be time to consider hiring a professional bamboo removal service. Professional removal services specialize in safely containing or removing large stands of invasive plants using specialized tools and methods. They also provide advice on preventative measures that you can take to keep your existing stand from spreading further. Additionally, bamboo removal services can help you assess the risk factors associated with certain types of bamboo before deciding on planting them to avoid an unmanageable mess later.

Bamboo can make a great addition to any garden, but it is important to be aware of its potential invasiveness. With proper planning, management, and the help of a bamboo removal service when necessary, your garden can remain beautiful while still keeping unwanted invasives at bay.

Contact a company like Bamboo Removal by Jose Benitez to learn more.
