
  • Landscaping Tips For Low-Maintenance Flower Beds

    Do you love lush flower beds around a home, but hate the amount of effort it takes to maintain them and keep them free of weeds? If so, then don't give up on your flower beds just yet. There are landscaping tactics you can implement that will allow you to enjoy your flower beds without all the backbreaking hours of weeding and yard work. The following tips are just what you need.
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  • How To Control Ticks In Your Yard

    Ticks are more than just a nuisance; they also carry diseases that can affect humans and pets. Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever are two well known tick-borne illnesses, but they aren't the only ones. Babesiosis, ehrlichiosis, and relapsing fever are just a few more diseases to be concerned about. While it's smart to take precautions when hiking in the woods, it can be frustratingly hard to have to take these same precautions each time you step into your yard.
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  • Hire A Land Clearing Service To Get Your Overgrown Land Ready For A Swimming Pool

    A backyard pool is a great investment when you love to swim and lounge in the water. A pool brings a lot of enjoyment for the entire family, and it is even a nice backdrop for entertaining. However, if your property is crowded with trees and overgrowth, you may think putting in a pool is a daunting task. It all starts with clearing the land. Here's how it's done. Bring In A Land Clearing Service
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  • 3 Types Of Trees That May Help With Soil Erosion

    If you live in an area that has a lot of rainfall, or if you live on a property that is somewhat sloped, erosion can be one of the most hassling problems you will face with your landscape. Erosion, which is caused by water runoff and certain soil conditions, can wipe out every flower or plant you stick in the ground, wash away landscaping filler materials like mulch and gravel, and make it nearly impossible to have a well-manicured yard.
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  • 3 Tips For Better Lawn Mulching

    A vibrant and lush lawn can contribute to the beauty of your home's landscape. Caring for your lawn properly often means mulching your landscape on a regular basis. Mulch products can be extremely beneficial in improving the quality of your soil and helping to promote better growth patterns. Although mulching is a valuable tool when it comes to caring for your lawn, improper mulching could damage your grass and leave your landscape in distress.
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  • Landscaping For Function As Well As Aesthetics

    There are a lot of reasons to landscape your property, and while it is often to make it look nice, there are some pretty important functional aspects that can be achieved when you are planning out your landscaping. A good landscape designer can provide help if you need it or design a layout for you if you want to go that route as well. Take the time to think about your design before you start digging up the yard so that you have a great-looking finished product.
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  • Choosing Between Traditional And Artificial Turf For Your Sports Field

    If you've recently taken over a piece of property and you're getting ready to turn it into a sports and event field, one of the things you'll have to decide is if you want artificial or traditional turf. There are several things that you should consider as you try to decide which one is going to be the better option. Here are a couple of things to think about when you're starting your sports field plan.
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  • Making Changes To The Exterior Of A House

    When a homeowner has a busy lifestyle, it can leave him or her with little time to take care of the exterior of the house. The value of a house can constantly go down as the curb appeal begins to deteriorate. If you have noticed that the outside of your house doesn't look as good as it once did, it is time for you to invest in making repairs or other changes that are needed.
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  • Just Bought A Home With An Overgrown Lawn? 3 Tips For Sprucing Up The Front Yard

    After buying a home with a large yard, you may find that the yard hasn't been maintained as well as it should have been. This can be frustrating to deal with, especially since you want to begin enjoying your newly bought home right away. Before mowing the lawn and calling it finished for now, it's a good idea to look into the following tips that can help improve the way that your yard looks.
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  • 3 Features To Include When Designing A Catio For Your Indoor Cats

    When you're considering making improvements to your yard, it makes sense to consider features that will be appropriate for your whole family—pets included. If you have indoor cats that you think would benefit by getting some fresh air outdoors, it's smart to look into having a catio built. If you're unsure of how to get started with having a catio installed, besides the enclosure itself, you should look into the right kind of landscaping that can be done.
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